Workshop on Communicating Conservation Research

Visiting PhD student, Sreesha Gadadharan participated in the ‘Workshop on Communicating Conservation Research’ at the Laboratory for Conservation of Endangered Species (LaCONES) at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad from 8th to 13th December 2019. read more →

Invited talk at the National Seminar on Animal Taxonomy

Rajeev Raghavan gave an invited talk on the history and trends of freshwater fish taxonomy in India at the National Seminar on Modern Practices in Animal Taxonomy organized by the Department of Zoology, Maharajas College, Kochi. read more →

DEST Taxonomy Course in Norway

Co-Supervised PhD student, Ramvilas Ghosh participated in the 10-day long DEST (Distributed European School of Taxonomy) course on ‘Basics of Taxonomy’ at Tollboden, Drobak, Norway from 28th October to 08th November 2019. read more →

Editorial board of Biodiversity and Conservation

Rajeev Raghavan has joined the editorial board of the leading international journal – Biodiversity and Conservation (Impact Factor: 3.14) published by Springer Nature. read more →

IUCN SSC Leaders Meeting

Rajeev Raghavan attended the 4th IUCN SSC Leaders Meeting at Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in the capacity of the IUCN SSC Freshwater Fish Red List Authority Coordinator. read more →

SCCS Bangalore

Visiting PhD Student Sreesha Gadhadharan presented a poster on the fish diversity of the Wayanad hills (part of the Western Ghats Biodiversity Hotspot) at the Student Conference on Conservation Science – Bangalore read more →

New snakehead fish named after lab PI

A new species of snakehead, Channa rara was described from the northern part of the Western Ghats and named after Dr. Rajeev Raghavan for his contributions to freshwater fish taxonomy and conservation! read more →

Miniature subterranean Pangio discovered

Together with PhD student VK Anoop, Rajeev Raghavan and co authors from Natural History Museum London, Malabar Awareness and Rescue Center and IISER Pune described a unique subterranean species of eel loach from homestead wells in Calicut. read more →

Visit of scientists from ZSL

Colleagues from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) Dr. Jyoti Das, Asia Program Manager of EDGE for Existence Project, and Benjamin Tapley, Curator of Herpetology at London Zoo visited the Rajeev Lab and delivered talks to students and staff of the University. read more →