First Eastern Ghats Ichthyologist Meeting

Rajeev Raghavan, Anoop VK and Unmesh Katwate participated in the First Eastern Ghats Ichthyologist Meeting held at Visakhapatanam. While Rajeev Raghavan delivered a keynote talk on the ‘challenges for conserving freshwater fishes in a changing world’ and led a workshop on ‘best taxonomic practices’, Unmesh Katwate delivered a talk on the ‘status and opportunities for.. read more →

Workshop on Fish Taxonomy

Rajeev Raghavan led a workshop on best practices in fish taxonomy at the ‘First Eastern Ghats Ichthyologist Meet’ in Visakhapatanam on 14th of October. read more →

Talk on ‘Status of fish diversity in the Eastern Ghats’

PhD student Unmesh Katwate delivered a talk on the current status and opportunities for fish diversity and taxonomy studies in the Eastern Ghats region at the ‘First Eastern Ghats Ichthyologist Meet’ in Visakhapatanam. read more →

Eastern Ghats Ichthyologist Meet

Rajeev Raghavan, Unmesh Katwate and VK Anoop participated in the ‘First Eastern Ghats Ichthyologist Meet’ held at Visakhapatanam. read more →

Shalu wins best poster award at International Biodiversity Congress

Co-supervised PhD student, Shalu Kannan received the award for the best poster at the International Biodiversity Congress held at the Forest Research Institute, Dehradun from 4th to 6th October 2018. read more →

IUCN Sciaenidae Red List Workshop

Rajeev Raghavan attended the IUCN Red List assessment workshop for the Sciaenid fishes of the Indian Ocean organized by the IUCN SSC Sciaenid Red List Authority and the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu at Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. read more →

Science Comm’18 India

PhD student Arya Sidharthan attended the Indo-Swiss Conference and Workshop on Science Communication organized by the National Center for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru. read more →

International Conference on IUCN Red List in Malaysia

Rajeev Raghavan delivered a talk on ‘Conservation Status of Asian Freshwater Fishes’ at the IUCN Red List Symposium organized by the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu at Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. read more →

PhD student paper in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

Preliminary results of Anoop’s PhD on the biogeography of hillstream loaches of Western Ghats has been published in the December 2018 issue of ‘Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution’ . read more →

Discovery of a gondwanan relic in peninsular India

A team of international researchers including Dr. Rajeev Raghavan, CP Arjun (NIAS, Bangalore) and Sammy De Grave (Oxford University, UK) have published an exciting new discovery of a new genus and species of shrimp of the family Euryrhynchidae from subterranean wells in Kerala. This is the first record of the family Euryrhynchidae from outside of South.. read more →